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Middle School Curriculum

Stone Middle School offers students the following curriculum: science, social studies, language arts and mathematics following the TEKS Resource System.  Learn more about the TRS at

In-school and after-school remediation or tutoring may be provided for those students needing extra help in these core subject areas.  Both regular and advanced level courses in the four core subject areas are available at all grade levels at Stone. 

Language Arts/Reading

Regular and Advanced Language Arts classes are offered at every grade level at Stone.  Students will learn grammar skills, read an assortment of literature, and compose writing assignments in a variety of formats.  Students visit the Library regularly through their Language Arts classes in order to have access to reading and reference materials.  Reading remediation classes are also offered for students needing extra help in that area, and general Language Arts tutoring is available as well.


Regular and Advanced level Math courses are offered in grades 6, 7, and 8. Algebra I is offered in 8th grade for students meeting course prerequisites.  In addition, the Success Math Lab provides year-long reinforcement of TAKS skills learned in regular Math class by utilizing small-group activities, computer-based lessons, and other proven learning techniques. Additional Math tutoring may be offered as needed during the school year.

For ONLINE MATH TEXTBOOK RESOURCES, go to: .  Each student should have his/her own login and password. Each math teacher should have set up the classes and given each student the needed information. Check with your child's math teacher for more information.


Advanced and regular science courses are available at all three grade levels at Stone.  Physical Science is emphasized in 6th grade, Biology or Life Science is studied in 7th grade, and Geology or Earth Science is taught in 8th grade.  Teachers provide many opportunities for hands-on experimentation and presentations. 


You will then be asked to set up the following information:
State: Texas
District:  North Lamar
Campus:  Frank Stone Middle School
(Check the box to save this information on your computer.)
Username =  NL+student's# ID (example=NL200123)
Password = Panthers! (Capital P and exclamation point required)
Your ID number = student's 6-digit school ID number

Social Studies

Middle School students study World History & Geography in grade 6, Texas History & Geography in grade 7, and United States History & Civics in grade 8.  As with the other three core subject areas, both Advanced and regular classes are offered on each grade level.  In addition, People & Places, a social studies elective course, is available for 6th graders.


Students at Stone have ample opportunities to learn and use computer equipment and technology each year.  In 2015, Chromebook laptops were purchased for use by all students.  In addition, several classrooms on campus have extra computers set aside for student use only.  Seventh-graders are required to take a Technology class. Teachers may also sign up to take classes to the Open Computer Lab periodically during the school year for special projects and assignments.

Health & Physical Education

Exercising the body as well as the mind is important for everyone.  Students spend class time learning about the body's various systems as well as habits for healthy living.  Physical Educations is required for 2 years. In P.E. classes, students get a break from the routine of book work by playing games, learning sports rules, and enjoying fun activities.


An introduction to basic Spanish is offered as an elective in grade 8. This course is recommended for students planning to take a foreign language class in high school.

Career Investigations

As the name implies, Career Investigations allows students to study about jobs they might be interested in pursuing when they get older. A semester elective course, C.I. features guest speakers from the community, an assortment of career-related videos, and sometimes even a local field trip or two. 

Fine Arts

Stone students have the opportunity to take introductory and advanced courses in Art, Choir, Band, and Drama. Students may compete in Regional contests and perform for local audiences during the school year.  Check with the individual teacher, or watch the campus calendar for more information on specific dates of these events.

Outdoor Education

8th grade students will learn and develop an understanding of outdoor skills such as fishing, hunting, archery, boating, camping, environmental responsibility, and outdoor cooking. 

Introduction to Agriculture

A popular elective for 7th graders, this course informs students about the basics of country life on dairies, ranches and farms, examines different breeds of livestock and varieties of crops, looks at the history of equipment used on small to large agricultural operations, and shows how food goes from field to factory to store to table.  Guest speakers and field trips to the NLHS Ag Department, local farm-related retail stores, and area stock shows are often part of the course. 

Campus Calendar

Current Weather

Current Condition: few clouds

Temperature: 61.9ËšF

Feels Like: 60.98ËšF

Wind Speeds: 9.48mph

Weather humidity: 68%

Chance of Precipitation: 0.14%

Contact Information

Frank Stone Middle School
3130 N Main
Paris, Texas 75460
Phone: 903-737-2041